The usage of medical cannabis is rapidly on the rise, especially for anxiety, pain, and depression. In a study carried out by Cannigma, it was revealed that the use of prescription drugs might be decreasing in places where medical cannabis has been legalized.
The survey further showed that women are more likely to replace their prescription drugs with cannabis.
Out of a total of 204 female respondents, 147 that is a total of 72%, admitted that they use cannabis as a replacement for prescription medications. This is far more than the 90 out of 162 (55.5%) male respondents. It is obvious that more women substitute prescription drugs with cannabis than men.
Other Research Findings
Apart from the discovery that women substitute prescription drugs with cannabis more than men, it was also discovered people who use medical cannabis take it more than once a day. In addition to that, many of them reportedly use it several times a week.
These research findings were obtained by sending newsletters to thousands of Cannigma users. Most respondents were citizens of the United States.
Almost 85% of the research survey respondents hailed from North America. Other respondents were from New Zealand, Australia, Jamaica, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Belgium, Peru, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Mexico.
Amanda Reiman, Ph.D., MSW., put together this survey. Reiman is a woman, social ethnobotanist, and cannabis policy expert who founded Personal Plants, a website committed to offering tips on home growing and processing medicinal plants like cannabis.
After this study, she went ahead to carry out a couple of other studies on cannabis. This includes research on the subjects of patients, dispensaries, and the use of marijuana to treat addiction.
She was also the first and foremost chairwoman of the Medical Cannabis Commission located in the City of Berkeley.
Women vs. Men in Cannabis Consumption
Undoubtedly, men and women use cannabis differently. They also react differently to the substance.
This was revealed after a couple of researches into how both genders differ in the use and reaction of cannabis.
Posted by: Chiara C
Friday Dec 17, 2021
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